The Detroit Lions entered their Week 16 game against the Carolina Panthers at 7-7 and in the thick of the NFC playoff race.
And then the ball was kicked off.
By game’s end, the Lions had laid a massive lump of coal losing 37-23, reverting to their pre-November form that saw them stumble and crawl to a 1-6 start. All of the momentum the Lions had built up in winning six of their last seven games fall to ashes like cinder inside the fireplace, Lions fans, along with the sporting public was there to react accordingly.
TRENDING:Detroit Lions’ worst performance of 2022 reminds us rebuilds are hard
Christmas season is all about having hope sometimes, maybe — and I’m just spitballing here — maybe having hope is a bad thing.
OK, so maybe we can’t blame the Lions for this all together. It’s time for the dreaded “studio show crew picked the same team” curse.